Hargood Book Trailer
On the shoulders of giants
This time last week, I was learning under some of the greatest minds of our time. Awe-struck, I took in every word of wisdom these men had to offer me. Chuck Colson, one of my role models, said it best I think. "I can see so much further into the future by standing on the shoulders of the giants who have gone before me than I can by standing on my own two feet." The funny thing is, he is one of those giants to me. There are few of them- my father and his father before him, my Uncle Jud, C.S. Lewis, Sir Winston Churchill, G.K. Chesterton, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, St. Francis, and Dr. Colson. These are the giants on whose shoulders I stand, praying that I may someday walk in their footsteps. D.V.