Hargood Book Trailer
Horses and Carriages
Well, this is it, folks. The first of the many Perry girls is getting married in just a few short hours. Isn't it strange how time works? I'm reading a Card novel (yes, another one) and there are these people who can slow or quicken the pace of time around them as they please, so they may enjoy life at their own liesure. The thing is, they have less appreciation for life then because nothing is new. They claim amusement, but are never in awe or surprised with wonder by anything. At any rate (no pun intended), my dear little Winnie is joining the corps of marriage and I still recall our childhood adventures. I'm pretty sure my sister and I are the only people outside the family who still call her Winnie. Then again, I guess we are family in many ways. Last time I saw her, we made jell-o together and I almost ruined her boyfriend's car. Good times. The Perry girls are a very special bunch of ladies; daughters of the Most High at their finest. I applaud the men worthy of their hands in marriage, for they must be exceptionally brave and chivalrous knights. Good luck t'ya, boys!