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Are we still talking about abortion, or something bigger?

If you watched the news this morning, you might have seen the brave Senetor Tom Coburn ripping President Obama a new one, and it was inspiring. Apparently Obama is planning to reverse Bush's "Conscience Clause" and Coburn is planning to go to prison as a result. This clause releases OB/GYN from any obligation to perform abortions if it conflicts with their personal religious convictions... Because yesterday we lived in a free country, where "seperation of church and state" was properly interpreted. But isn't it funny? Under our beloved new administration, a doctor will soon have the potential to go to prison if he refuses to terminate innocent life. This is amazing! And when Coburn got into what this means for the long run, the reporter asked, "Are we still talking about abortion, or something bigger?" Come on! The murdering of unborn children- What can be bigger or more important than that?! Observe: the desensitization of the human race. But hey, at least we have a black president!