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Hargood Book Trailer

it's a long way from miami to l.a.

thinking back to this time last year. zach and i jested with danny about when he and heather would ever get married. i was rooming with a chill bass player at school, and just assumed shea and jocie would always live next door. i had a one-track mind of getting in tight with pfm and working for them the rest of my life, and i finally finished my internship application on christmas eve.

today, the snow/ice is melting outside my window. danny and heather are getting married in 3 months. i'm living back at my parents' house, done with school, and shea and jocie live in alabama. and i just got turned down for a job with pfm, with no other prospects with them on the horizon. instead, i'm working on developing a ministry geared toward the disabled. and writing a lot...

i don't know what God's doing here, but He's doing something and i'm sure it will make sense eventually.