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The Fishward City Dialogues: Seventeen
(The Conversation: Pt. 2)

“Curiosity is getting the better of me, I'm afraid.”
“uh oh”
“Yeah, I know. Anyway, I'd like to ask you a question, just off the cuff.”
“Must be some question.”
“... off the record.”
“Ah, finally – a real conversation! Alright, what d'ya got?”
“What about it?”
“What's your take on it?”
“Well, it has no place in my line of work... or yours, for that matter. A gun is unforgiving, but so is a pen. We're both murderers, Jenkis. I just have more immediate results. You sign papers to lock 'em up for life, I shoot 'em in the head. Same thing, at the end of the day. The world keeps spinning. Forgiveness has got nothing to do with it.”
“But there must be something for men like us. I mean, I know we've followed a jagged path, but we still fell from the same nest as the saints. We were carved from the same wood, formed by the same divine hand. I have to believe that this master Craftsman made us for some reason, and will still consider us in the end. And I just can't help but wonder, if repentance finds its way into our stone-cold hearts before He gets to us in line... will that change anything?”
“Careful, you're sounding like a churched man.”
“I slip in on occasion.”
“Really? I wouldn't have pegged you for the type.”
“Yeah, when I'm not playing hide-and-seek with you.”
“Fair enough.”
“But you don't wonder if there's hope for us? When you stand before your Maker...”
“Let me stop you there. One thing is certain. When that day comes, I won't be standing before anyone.”
“And why is that, Tom?”
“Because the only way I'll stop running is if I've lost my legs.”
“Fair enough.”