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Writer's Troll

Every once in a while, I run into writer's block and it does a lot more than "block." It's more like a writer's troll! Yes it blocks your way, but it also tries to eat you! When I face the writer's troll (I have one reoccurring), I am always so afraid he'll end me for good and I'll never write again. My troll doesn't rob me of plot, just words to form it successfully. So I take a step back from the bridge (troll's block bridges, you know) and I pull out my sword - a good book - and I say a prayer. I battle the writer's troll with the age-old words of dead authors much more capable than me. Eventually, the troll subsides and allows me to pass and proceed with my adventures. Unfortunately, I don't often enough see the troll as part of the adventure. Perhaps I should. I wonder how he'd feel about that - becoming part of the story he's blocking. Fighting fire with fire, if you will.