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Guest Post from Danny Stapp (John 17:25-26)

“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” - John 17:25-26
The world didn’t know God then and sometimes it feels like it doesn’t know him now.
Jesus gave one last prayer with his disciples before he was taken away to be crucified, and the first part of verse 26 basically sums up our mission as Christians: to make God known to the entire world.
This is easier said than done. We live in a cynical age where God more often than not is a punch line. With so many terrible things happening everyday, it’s easy for the world to say that God doesn’t exist or that he does exist, but he certainly doesn’t care about us. How can you convince a non-believer that God loves them if they’ve lost someone close to them? What if they never seem to catch a break in life?
It’s through our lives that we reveal God to the world. It’s one of those things that sounds simple and yet is agonizingly hard because of the oppression we face.
Jesus couldn’t have given more concrete proof of God’s love in his own life and still many refused to believe he was the son of God. After feeding thousands of people on a hillside, raising the dead, and curing the sick, it should have been obvious who he was and that God was without a doubt a part of this world.
Yet the very people he’s come to save drove him out of the temple in Luke 4. All his blessings and miracles didn’t stop the Pharisees in John 9 from nagging him about healing a blind man on the Sabbath. Instead of thanking him for helping someone in need or inquiring where he got this power from, the Pharisees jump all over Jesus for doing something good! Would the Postmaster General fire a mailman if he had the audacity to deliver a package on Sunday?
People can argue for the existence of God through Apologetics and Christians can hold as many revivals as they want. But the world won’t truly believe in God until we show them he exists by the way we live our lives.
In verse 26, Jesus states he “will continue to make (God) known” to all the world. It’s a process that never truly ends. We will constantly be challenged to show God’s love and prove his existence to the Universe.
That doesn’t sound fun by any means but when you remember the sacrifice Christ made soon after that prayer in John 17, it reminds us that we have to give our all.