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Thunderous Shave

For those who were at Zach Lycans' wedding, you've already heard this story, but it's one of my favorites to tell. I had just graduated high school and Fluffy Road-kill was setting out on tour. We were going down to Florida to play an art show put on by David the Good. A week before we left, however, Danny fell off a ladder at work and sliced his hand open, so he was out. That left Zach and I for the band, and our friend Eric as a guest slam-poet. We made a good team, the three of us; but without Danny, there was no common sense, so the following happened...
While we were there, we made a new friend, David's cousin Matt Stuck. Matt was staying at the time with his grandpa Jud, which is where we also stayed. One day we went to the beach (a 10 minute drive from Jud's house), and had a grand old time. On the way home, Matt mentioned his need for a haircut and, feeling on top of the world from a good day at the beach, Eric and Zach offered to shave his head. Now, it was around 3:00 when they decided to do this, and it is common knowledge that every Florida afternoon sees about an hour-long tropical storm when you think the world is going to end. It was in this hour that the boys embarked on their maiden shaving venture... outside on the driveway. Being a slightly more sensible individual (only slightly), I remained indoors and took a nap in the backroom. I had no music of my own, it was all in the car, so I settled for a CD Matt's sister had left sitting out – “How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb” by U2. Why was I listening to U2?! I still ask myself that question on a regular basis. I can't help but wonder if things could have turned out differently had I been listening to something else; anything else.
As the obnoxious guitar delay swelled, and the low, Irish voice in the little boombox mixed with the rain outside, I began to drift off to sleep. Maybe I was asleep for an hour, maybe 5 minutes, who knows. But I was awakened suddenly as Zach burst into the room. His eyes were frantic, in search of something. His hands were stretched out before himself and I looked down to see they were red.still groggy from sleep, I tried to collect my thoughts, but Zach knew my silent question and answered it before disappearing down the hall.
“Don't worry,” he assured me with a smile. “It's not my blood.”
I blame Bono.