There a lot of big things happening here at Half-Broken Busy these days! As you've probably noticed, we've joined Twitter and the blog now has a real domain name. But these are the things you've seen so far. Let me tell you what's coming up.
Next week begins a new Bible study, focused on I John and titled "Here's to the Church" (in keeping with the theme of our previous study). For those on Facebook, an event page will be set up to update on the study. It will also be promoted on our Twitter, so follow us there, if you're into that sort of thing (@HalfBrokenBusy). Or you can just follow the blog itself... or just check it every Tuesday and Thursday, as those are our set posting days.
Also, in the very near future, you will see a link appear for our store! That's right, I'm finally self-publishing some works and they'll be on sale for unbelievably good prices via
Lastly, let me explain why I keep referring to we. It is the same reason for all these great improvements to my website and endeavors. I recently brought onboard a fellow by the name of Shea Zellweger, who has so kindly taken it upon himself to see my dreams of publishing come true. Some might call him my editor, some my publisher, some my sidekick, and still others my Pepper Potts. Whatever you want to call him, he's making my life as a writer much easier and more effective.
So, thanks to Mr. Zellweger and to his unbelievably patient wife.
And thanks to you the reader, who makes it all worthwhile.