Friday night was an equally pleasant, though entirely different, entertainment experience. My mom and I went to see “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” as put on by the High Point Community Theatre. My dear friend Eran Barnes waxed eloquent as the lead Mr. Ichabod Crane, and the supporting cast was talented and charming. The set, I thought, was especially impressive, and the writing (by a local as well) was perfect. It is becoming a well-accepted fact that attending community theatre is one of my favorite pastimes. And this particular show reemphasized that in my own spirit.
Lastly – the miracle, which many of you are aware of by now. Friday saw the official release of my first book! “Riverward Dialogues” is self-published and available in print and Kindle on Amazon. I will be posting a video interview next week promoting the release, so keep n eye out for that. In the mean time... you know what, just go buy it and give it a good perusing! You'll love it, I promise, that is assuming you like crime/detective novels.