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Groundwork: Manifest (I John 1:2)

"This Life appeared and we’ve seen and confirmed, and now we’re telling you about the Eternal Life Who is from the Father and appeared to us.” – I John 1:2

John is incessant in his theme throughout this letter – the Son of God was made manifest. This, of course, is the foundation of the Christian faith, but I am afraid we sometimes take it for granted. In John's time, and we see it also today, there were those who denied Jesus' divinity and there were others who argued he was no man at all, but God only. But John walked with him and knew better. He knew, from experience, that Jesus was fully God wrapped fully in human flesh, that he struggled with sin as we all do yet managed to remain perfect. The beloved disciple realized the weight of this, the imperative need for it in the eternal scheme of salvation and faith.
If Jesus was just a man or just God, then his words meant nothing and his death meant nothing and all is lost. But this was not so, and John makes the case – “we've seen and confirmed.” Not only that, but he is excited about this truth and is not keeping it to himself! He is declaring to the world what he has seen and heard and touched, what he knows beyond the shadow of a doubt. He is sharing the truth because the truth set him free. The Life appeared (this is the truth) and turned his world upside-down. The Life has appeared, but have we opened our eyes to see it for ourselves? Have we confirmed it in our own hearts? And are we declaring it in word and deed to the blind and dying world around us? In short, what are we doing with the Eternal Life?