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Reasons: Young Men (I John 2:13-14)

“I’m writing to you dads because you’ve known Him from the beginning. I’m writing to you young men because you’ve conquered the evil one. I wrote to you kids because you’ve known the Father. I wrote to you dads because you’ve known Him from the beginning. I wrote to you young men because you are strong and God’s Word lives in you and you have conquered the evil one.” – I John 2:13-14

Finally, we come to the young men. There are two things I'd like to consider here in lieu of the fathers discussion. The first is that the stage of being a young man is actually the journey to being a father, and it must be gone through in order to reach fatherhood. Secondly, it is the active stage and it is hard work.
There is nothing greater or lesser about any of the characters John addresses here, but they are each essential for the growing process we call life. We all start (again, speaking physically and spiritually) as kids. Over time, we progress and grow into young men, and then eventual become dads (so to speak). The latter two are, of course, dependent in the spiritual sense upon development in our relationship with the Lord. Some believers, it is sad to say, remain children, and some reach the spiritual age of young men but never proceed from there. We are meant, however, to traverse all three planes and in their respective order. So, young man, do not get comfortable in your current state, but realize it is only a step in your walk and push yourself further on in the Lord. Dwell in Him, study the Word so that it is alive in you, look to your fathers for guidance, and always fight against the evil one.
John makes it clear here that the time of being a young man is the age of trial and battle, struggle and growth. Children and fathers both are defined solely by their relationship with God – the children simply enjoying it and the fathers standing firm in it. For us young men, however, it is what holds us together on the battle field. To refer back to Joshua, his time as a young man was spent hard at work. It says here that the young man is strong. Why is he strong? Because he needs to be strong in order to conquer the evil one. It says the Word lives in him. How does it get there? By studying, praying, disciplining your heart and mind and body. It happens by intentionally spending time with God, working out your faith in fear and trembling. Letting Him mold you and even hammer you into shape, so that you may stand firm in the end. It is a long road, difficult and sometimes painful. I dare say most of our lives are spent in this stage of battle and refinement. But it is a necessary road and it is a good road for who you come out as in the end. So hold fast, young man, and keep to the course for His name's sake and your own.