I don't know when this book will be complete or published, but I can't wait for the world to meet Ruck Holland, Shallum, and all the other crazy characters in Thunder's Ploy. In the mean time, please check out my other book Riverward Dialogues on Amazon.com HERE! We've had some really great feedback and the word just needs to keep on spreading! Thanks for reading. Thanks for listening. Thanks for following along.
Hargood Book Trailer
The Weekend Break
I'm afraid there's not much to say in the way of news this week, except that I have begun the second draft of my novel and it is going smoothly. This week has been strange for me, as I am not doing much writing but more so editing. I have a stack of 170 pages before me and I am going through each page, each paragraph, each word with red pen ready. It is a lot of work, but I am seeing the benefit and really enjoying the process. Last night, I came to a place in the draft where I knew I wanted to add a chapter, so I sat down at my laptop and began hammering out the new section. It was much easier than I anticipated (I'll confess I was dreading it) and I think it's because I have come to know the characters so well. Writing about them is easy because they kind of write themselves at this point. Who would say what here? becomes natural. It's a funny thing, the creative process.