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Antioch: Step Thirteen

"You can't be serious,” he demanded as soon as Saint Wire was out of sight. Zepp's response was clear in his silent progression forward. “You're really going through with this, aren't you?” asked Walden, more modestly now. Zepp turned and gave his friend a hug of reassurance.

“Yes,” he answered confidently. “I am. And I want more than anything to have you by my side through this thing, but only if you will man-up and drop these superstitions of yours. You've always said I was the ignorant one, but you're the one that's so afraid. If you're going to let that fear drag you down, and this whole collective with you, than you don't have to come. You can go home and I'll see you when I get back... but I want you with us.”

The two stopped walking for a moment and looked at one another. Zepp's ultimatum shocked the one who was used to being in charge, but it seemed to be exactly what he needed to hear in order to start thinking properly on the matter. Saint Wire had appointed Zepp leader of the outfit and guide on this path to higher ground. If Walden wanted to be a part of it, he would have to follow directions and comply with Zepp's decisions. Standing now before him was no longer the feeble-minded runt whom he had lorded over his whole life, goaded under his thumb with punches and playful authority. Zepp had been given a responsibility. It was a responsibility he had to now step into and fulfill, and he needed his friend's support to do so. Walden knew Zepp needed him, and their longstanding friendship mastered his calloused heart of pride so that he took the challenge willingly and never looked back.