To celebrate the official release of my new book today, I wanted to share some excerpts from the introduction by Mitch McVicker. I am really honored to have Mitch in my life and so very blessed by what he's written here to introduce Memoirs of the Revelator. If you haven't heard his music, or seen him in concert, you should check him out. Thanks again, Mitch, for all your support.
"Upon finishing Memoirs of the Revelator, I am … enamored by Kevan's guts. He has an audacity to tell the truth unwaveringly. I am taken with the way he often finishes each section of his commentary. I love it when Kevan summarizes his comments on a particular section of scripture with a short prayer. It is in these basic and pointed prayers that Kevan's heart comes shining through.

"I love the fact that Kevan calls this a creative commentary. I am moved when he takes some poetic license. I have no doubt Kevan would refer to these instances as being Spirit-led, and not merely poetic concoctions. His story of a young boy-Jesus skipping rocks with his childhood best friend and cousin, John (who was to become the Baptist), had me enthralled. I couldn't put down Kevan's commentary on John 5, which tells the story of the lame man waiting by the pool for healing. He explores and wanders what the lame man must be feeling and thinking … as well as those who come in contact with him. I will be ever-grateful for Kevan's account of John 5. For, all too often, like most pieces of scripture, I have approached reading this story as a task to accomplish. But in reading this, all of the sudden there were real people involved … with real feelings, real fears, and real faith. Kevan made the story jump of the page.
"Just like John's gospel, Memoirs of the Revelator, by Kevan Chandler, mixes a telling of the facts with an artful and creative interpretation of the truth's essence. It is a gem. The reader ought to be prepared to believe, more and more, and come to Life like never before."
-Mitch McVicker 3/31/13