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Antioch: Step Twenty-Two

As the company strolled along through the Greenesh Lands, Elwin recalled a tune of old that many of them had all but forgotten. It was called Green Wind Curl and he hummed it gently at first, as if it were  a memory he was recalling. He smiled when he sang, and so did everyone around him for he had a melodious voice and he knew just how to carry it to its fullest. His songs always began softly, fading in from a vowel sound to tweak the pitch. Sometimes they would remain tender and lulling, soothing souls with each sweet note. Other times, the songs would crescendo into an ocean of sound, roaring and mighty, stirring hearts and warming bellies for adventure. Whatever the case, the bard's eyes would twinkle every time. His songs ranged from ancient love stories to prayers in famine to legends of old storms and wars. And whatever the case, the bard's eyes would twinkle every time.