Doug TenNapel once said a story doesn't have to mention God in order for Him to show up in it. Such is the case with Green Lantern. The power of will, of hope, of purity, goodness, redemption and restoration. These are the themes and basis of the character, so it's going to just happen, regardless of who's writing. I can't tell you how many times I've been reading along and thought, "woah, THAT'S THE GOSPEL!"
Now, I don't know where Mr. Jensen stands on religious conviction, but I knew from his other work that he had the virtue and creativity to really go far with the Green Lantern Corps. So I went to my local comic shop (New World Comics in High Point, NC - amazing shop!) and picked up my copy of issue #21 - Jensen's first installment. He had warned me that he already introduced FOUR new Lanterns in this first issue, so I was chomping at the bits to get into it.
Long story short, he delivered! It is a great storyline, terrific dialogue and character development, a nice flow to the plot, and the new Lanterns are amazing! But one in particular stuck out to me - you'll never guess what I saw in him...
Allow me to give a brief background, for my less-nerdy followers here. Our general public, I think, knows about "Green Lantern" through marketing at Walmart and Target, but only readers may realize the depth of the Green Lantern mythos - for example, that there are actually hundreds of Green Lanterns. Think of them as galactic rangers, protecting their respective sectors and reporting back to their base on OA. This is a very simple explanation, mind you, but you get the picture. The Green Lantern's ring is his tool, and it is powered by will (willpower?). With the ring at full-charge, the Lantern is a force to be reckoned with - arguably the most powerful individual in the universe. So, it would make sense that the ring goes to people with great willpower to overcome fear and press on despite all odds. And to clarify, the ring finds you. When a Lantern dies, his ring goes out into the universe to find a new bearer. Now, with all that laid out, back to our story at hand...

This is the gospel! This is grace poured out on the ragamuffin soul! I think of my own life, my own body. One of my favorite things about Lanterns, truthfully, is that I could be one. It's not about your limbs, but your imagination and your strength of soul. And isn't this the way with Christ? In his letter to the Romans, Paul talks about our adoption as sons and daughters of God, and he refers to it as "the redemption of our bodies." (Romans 8:23) Jesus didn't die so I could walk; he died so I could have life in Him, so that I could find true hope and joy in a personal and eternal relationship with Him - a relationship that makes up for my lousy body. He sends the Holy Spirit to pick me up and He speaks life into these brittle bones. He says, "Kevan of Earth, you are strong; my Word abides within you; and you have overcome the evil one." (I John 2:14) And I hold fast to Him because, as Simon Peter said, "Where else would I go?" (John 6:68) It is in Him that I have found this strength to press on against all odds, to overcome great fear, to overcome the evil one, and live life to the fullest. It is because of Him, His saving grace, His Holy Spirit living and working in me that I can fly.