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Spidery Truth

I'm disgusted by the spider sitting outside my window. He set up camp a few days ago and I think I've seen him move once since he arrived. His web catches food, then it's gone, so I assume he eats when I'm not looking. But every time I look out my window, there he is, sitting still, maybe a little fatter than when he arrived.
Then I think of myself. I've watched at least six movies this week, several TV show episodes (long ones), and read a comic book and some of a novel. How much have I written? How much have I created and contributed to society? When others look out their window, what do they see of me? Are they disgusted at my apparent stillness? Do they notice the slight changes taking place in me, around me? I call my blog "Half-Broken Busy" because that how I often feel - busy, but just sort of, as if there's a glitch. My mind is running a hundred miles an hour, worlds and stories and characters rising and falling every hour, but to the naked eye... not the case. I'm sitting in my wheelchair, listening, watching, taking it all in. If only I had a way of giving it back. And so that is what I'm doing, in my books and on this blog, in conversations and in talks. I'm fixing the glitch, or really proving it is no glitch at all. Nothing is broken here, just different.