Despite his disabilities - and even because of them,
actually - Oscar had joined a wheelchair basketball team after college. He was
not exactly a social butterfly, but his doctor had "prescribed" the
activity as a kind of therapy, both physical and emotional. The team was
comprised of guys from all kinds of backgrounds and professions. Among them
were a priest, a fisherman, and a comic book shop owner, all of whom seemed
suddenly useful to Oscar. He was thankful now for his doctor's insistence, and
also that these team members had been so welcoming. He felt that he knew them
well enough to turn to them in this strange time. Perhaps they would know what
to do.
He would go to the comic book shop first. No, the church? It
would be good to have everything right with God before venturing on too far.
There's always the chance of death sometime in there, and he wanted assurance
if that was the case. Then again, wouldn't the comic shop owner need this
blessing too? The fisherman was last, no doubt, as his lake house was the final
destination for all of them. So, it was settled, he told himself. Comic shop,
then church, then lake house.
Want more Zombie? Check out Hargood and the End.