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Hargood Book Trailer

brand new colony

moved into a bachelor pad in pine bluff, arkansas- complete with beanbag chairs, big screen tv, a loft (with a rope to swing down onto the couch below), and off-brand chocolate almond ice cream. it rained the first few days here, but that's ok because vineyard (my partner in crime) and i were traveling. we began in winston and within 3 days we hit: memphis (my brother and fam), pine bluff, texarkana (poteet family!), little rock (where we ate at a pizza place called "damgoode pies"), and back to pine bluff. we're finally settling into our house now, with our friendly (though somewhat charismatic) host bryan. i don't begin work at the prison until monday, so we've been taking it easy and getting used to the area. wal-mart is off an exit called "el dorado" and there are at least 3 subways and 2 taco bells between our house and there. still looking for a church home, but i think that will work itself out in due time. till then, it's spurgeon every morning and evening with "broken trail" and "scott pilgrim" in between. good times. oh and hoaning my skills on "dr. mario"- who would have thought...

anyway, off now to find a dell store (vineyard's laptop spazzed) and the library (as if i didn't bring enough books with me)...