This week, I came into possession of a great many new releases from awesome bands/artists like Preson Philips, Loud Harp, and Raine Maida. This would typically mean a review party all day today, but I took this week off. Sorry, kids. The reason is because I've been sitting on the end of Chapter 8 of my novel for far too long and I had to finish it. So good news - Chapter 8 is done, which means only 2 chapters left. And I won't deny it, they are 2 solid "no-holds-barred, adrenaline-fueled thrill ride"** chapters! We're just over 40,000 words with about 15,000 left to go. Then the joys of editing begins, huzzah. I can't wait for the world to read this mess of fun and venture.
**Yes, that was a Hot Fuzz reference :)