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Innocent Smith: the theme

I went back this week to read my right-up on the Innocent Smith album, which just came out on iTunes last week. Don't want to repeat myself, of course. But reading it over, I realized it covered the bases. I really don't have much to add. I talked to Zach, asking if he had anything to say. He simply said, “I'm more proud of it than any music we've ever recorded together.” This does my heart good to hear and I think I might agree. We've always been honest about our music, but this came from somewhere deeper than anything else we've ever done.
I've been doing a lot of meditating over the course of this album's inception, trying to really understand better who I am at the core. Paul talks about being all things to all people, and as an extravert I get that. But who am I when I'm alone? That's what matters in the end, because I stand before God on my own – no friends, no family, no movie quotes or Dylan songs. Just me alone before the Judgement Throne with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Someone, a writer, recently asked me what my message was. My what? I asked, dumbfounded. She said a writer has a message, but not just that – it defines you, it is the persona your readers latch onto; the you, the life lesson you live by that inevitably comes through your writing. Now, I'm 26 years old and still figuring things out, so I'd have to say this life lesson is still a work-in-progress. But an old hymn came to mind the other day, and with it a memory.
Several years ago, I attended a chapel service every Friday morning at the local prison. My favorite part was singing with the congregation. There's nothing like singing songs of freedom in Christ with 60+ inmates. But I remember very clearly one morning when we sang “Because He Lives,” and it was in that moment that something clicked. I was with men who had committed terrible crimes and they were now paying dearly for it; yet amidst their punishment, these words rang out...

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

It is that last line that has stuck with me, and I see it throughout my writing, including this album. It is the message that resonates through these songs of loss and suffering and working through life's issues. Life is worth the living, but why? Girl's have broken my heart, jobs have turned me down, churches have let me down, favorite foods have given me ulcers, friends have moved away, hangout spots have closed, bands have broken up, I've been poor, I'm crippled (and that one's not changing any time soon), and Batman even died for a while (DC Comics' worst idea ever). There are things to work toward and enjoy in life, but there's nothing that makes life truly worth living except Jesus because He is the Life. Mind you, despite that list of disappointments, anyone who knows me will tell you I'm a very happy guy. I love life! But that's the thing – at the end of the day, I love life “just because He lives” and that's enough to make it awesome! The peace I've found in Him is unbelievable, and the strength (physical and spiritual) that He gives me keeps me going day in and out without missing a beat. He is good and He is alive, so life is worth the living!
So, to clarify, this album is a little odd. It deals with difficult themes, but all in the resurrecting light of God's sufficient grace. It is the mantra of the man whom our band is named after, for Innocent Smith loved life and lived it to the fullest, to such an extent that he was considered crazy on more than one occasion. But he saw the light in every dark corner, saw the life in every dead thing, and found the beauty in every bit of this broken down old world. The songs we've written here were written for the glory of God, to show His goodness and steadfast love, to show His brilliant work in our lives and the lives around us, to show the light and life and beauty that He brings into even the darkest things. I hope it is an encouragement to you, as the experience has been to us. Thanks for your support.

Feel free to check out our debut album
on iTunes HERE or on Amazon HERE