I feel like I should explain what is going on here at Half-Broken Busy. Over the past 6 months, I've come to realize the power of presenting themed series on a blog. You, being the reader who finds his self here now, really likes series, don't you? The "Here's To John" study went really well, and we had a great response. Thank you for being a part of that experience. I'm currently working on editing and adding to the collection of 60+ entries from the study. Once that is done, I'll be releasing a printed edition. It'll be a few months, but keep an eye out for that.
I am also planning to start a new Bible study in October, but I want to fill in this September gap with something for the time being. So, we have some options, and you will find them in the top left-hand corner of this page. PLEASE VOTE and I will be happy to accommodate the will of the people. Whatever the result, it will begin next Tuesday and continue until the new Bible study begins in October. And what oh what might that new study be, you wonder? More on that soon enough! In the mean time, get your vote in and we'll go from there.