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Groundwork: The End is Nigh (I John 2:18)

"Kids, the time is coming, just like you’ve heard, because the antichrist is coming and lots of antichrists have already shown up, so we know that the time is drawing near.” – I John 2:18

In Paul's letters to kid Timothy, he says, “at the end, you're going to see all these evil things,” and he goes on to list them. He then says, “and you can see it everywhere now!” Paul and John were on to something here. John says, “you've heard it's coming... well, it's coming quick.”
They're both referring to the free reign of spirits against Jesus, and we see it prevalent today. We see rebellious hearts, deceitful leadership, selfishness and arrogance running rampant, wars and rumors of wars, and so on. These are the antichrists John is speaking of and they are just the beginning. But notice their instruction. Neither man sends out this warning in a spirit of fear or worry. No, no! In fact, Paul follows up his warning with a charge – “Preach the word! Do the work you were called to in Christ!” And, likewise, John ends this piece of his letter with words of encouragement – “You know the truth and yo have the Holy Spirit, so abide in Him and you'll do just fine!” Everything is going to pot, and these two are ready. I dare say they're even excited, because they understand better than anyone what the end really means. It means Paul's race will be complete, and John will see his best friend again. It means all will be made right; better than right, all will be made new. So what is there to fear or fret? Times are hard and will get harder, but the Lord is faithful. And when He says enough is enough, we'll see what He meant for us all along, and it will be good.