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On Thanksgiving

My family celebrates two Thanksgivings. My dad is Canadian, so it is tradition that we take part in the Canadian Thanksgiving, which is in October (Columbus Day, actually). Then, of course, we have the American Thanksgiving as well. Both are always great experiences, and I feel sorry for those who only get one Thanksgiving. It must be so boring.
So what's the difference between the two holidays, you ask? Not much, actually. They are inspired by different events, but even these events are not that different. Both came from terrible situations through which God carried a people to safety. For the Canadians, it was a hard voyage. For the Americans, it was a harsh winter. Lives were lost, hearts were broken, times were tough but they made it through. So, they celebrated and gave thanks to God for His goodness and grace.
I have been meditating lately on Psalm 20, which begins "May The Lord answer you in the day of trouble. May the name of the God of Jacob protect you." It puzzled me, at first, that he says Jacob, rather than Israel. Same person but, man, what a difference in heart! Jacob was a mess. Jacob referred to God as his father's God. Jacob lied and deceived and stole and got into all kinds of trouble until, finally, God called him out. They wrestled, Jacob was crippled and given a new name - Israel - and that's when things turned around. But it says here, "The name of the God of Jacob." Whether Jacob liked it or not, God was in charge the whole time and looking out for him. You see, God's plan is perfect, His love is perfect, and He will protect and fight for you when you least deserve it.
I look back over my own life, the difficult (even scary) times my family and I have been through. And I can see God's hand in all of it, even in the most hopeless moments and the moments when I questioned Him. He has always been there to see me through. So this is what I'm thankful for today - for God sticking with me when I am at my lowest. His goodness and grace reign forever and forever. Amen