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Eleven Deaths

Every once in a while, there comes a book of unbelievable wit and humor. Its word play is uncanny and the smooth subtlety by which it references pop culture is perfect at every angle. Unfortunately, the book of which I speak is not my own. It is with my misery that I suggest to you the brilliant work of Shea Zellweger, who (I dare say) gives Seuss and Snicket a run for their literary money.
Zellweger is my editor, and a darn good one at that, but recently got tired of just correcting words and decided to write a few himself. Over night, it would seem, he came up with a story and the most intriguing style in which to present it. "Eleven Deaths of Mortimer Trout" was the result and I must admit, it is available on Amazon for a reasonable price. It follows the life (and various deaths) of a boy who is too talented for his own good. Puns fly and whimsy runs rampant in this ridiculous tale of woah and woe. I wish I could say more, but I must return to my own writing in hopes of one day producing something half as genius as this little book.
God help us all if Shea Zellweger has any more book ideas in the future. I fear the world is not ready for more. For now, cherish your loved ones, enjoy a glass of fine wine here and there, and find yourself a copy of "Eleven Deaths of Mortimer Trout" to experience on those sunny days of leisure.

Available Here.