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Antioch: Step Fifteen

Of course, they had to first reach the Grey Beyond before they could reach its other side. Walden had used the term once or twice before – something about crossing bridges when you get to them. It seemed applicable in this case. They had some lengthy marching to do through the Greenesh Lands, then there were the Northern Chalks, and finally (according to Saint Wire and lore) the Grey Beyond. But this was their course, and it started off pleasantly enough through the familiar countryside.

All of the specialists who came along were bored at this stage in the journey, save for Elwin. He could always find something to sing about and when he couldn't, he always had whistling to fall back on. The fellowship hiked along with backs straight and packs strapped tightly, taking in the cool breeze above and fresh dirt below. No one was in the mood to chat quite yet, figuring they'd save conversation for when morale needed boosting further down the road. So they went on in silence, with only the occasional grunt or cough. Tack marched out front with Zepp, and gave direction with hand gestures and nods. Every now and then Zepp would inquire about a passing landmark, and Tack would gladly explain its significance.