I think it's finally time for the official announcement. You've all been waiting so patiently and the wait is almost over. In fact, it'll be over April 16. That's right, my new book has been compiled and printed and will be available on Amazon. Memoirs of the Revelator is a creative commentary, consisting of thoughts, prayers, short stories, and even a bit of poetry, all centered on and inspired by John's gospel account. You may recognize some of the entries from last year's online Bible Study Here's to John. This book is an extension of that study, greatly expounded upon and cleaned up and just... better. My amazing editor, Shea, has been hard at work on getting everything just right, even losing sleep over it, working for hours-upon-hours at a time. I am forever grateful to him for making this book happen, and for making it happen so well. It has already received beaming reviews, some of which I will post next weekend, and I really can't wait for you all to read it. For now, to prove it exists, here is the cover, by my dear friend Josh Malchuk.