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Hargood Book Trailer

Antioch: Step Sixteen

"If the stem is tipped at this angle, we know the territory is safe and clear. A stack of two to five stones like that,” the cartographer would say, acknowledging a nearby edifice, “means our colony, our ancestors, lived here at some point in history. Really fascinating stuff when you get down to it.”

Tack was a delightful character, and Zepp was surprised to have never engaged him before in his day-to-day. Sure, they'd seen each other around, but this was their first real dialogue of substance and Zepp decided he quite enjoyed it. Not much older than him, Tack walk along meekly meekly beside Zepp, shoulders hunched forward and leaning hard to the left, due to a dodgy knee. His long face was full of wonder at all the Nature surrounding them.