We have now established that, if I am on tour, I don't blog. I'm glad we've got that figured out. Sorry about my absence on Tuesday and the lateness of today's post. But here we are, I am home, and that means back to regular posts.
The book tour was great! God proved himself, yet again, to be entirely unpredictable and completely in charge of the whole gig. Every day/night that we did an event, he showed up and turned hearts inside-out. It has been such a blessing to see him use me and this book of mine to do his work in changing lives. I am humbled and honored.
With that, I am working on setting up more tours, as God continues to open doors and make ways. We will let you know about events as they come together. In the mean time, please continue to spread the word about the book - Facebook it, Tweet it, Reddit... it. Also, I know many of you have gotten your copies in the mail (or bought them on tour) and are reading them now. If you would be so kind, I'd love to see some reviews come up on Amazon.com in the next few weeks.
Thank you all for your support!