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Hargood Book Trailer

Antioch: Step Eighteen
Baxter Clap Tells A Tale: Pt. 1

I had set out on my own that afternoon, foraging sustenance like any other day. But I was in those days trying to woo the heart of Miss Julia Kiln, such a lovely girl and especially when she wrinkled her little nose. Anyway, I decided to venture further out than usual to find something really impressive – a potato chip or a cashew, perhaps. I came to the Southern Chalks and said a prayer before venturing out amidst the ever-shifting city of giants and of fallen bottles. What a perilous country; far worse, I dare say, than the Northern Chalks, from my own experience.

I resolved to stay as close as possible to the edge of the Chalks, keeping the Greenesh Lands within sight and (hopefully) within reach. But I grew distracted and soon found that our beloved country was behind me, replaced on every side by red brick which towered high overhead. I had come upon a glory land, a restaurant! To find such treats as I desired would be no problem in this place.

Carefully, I crept along close to the wall, keeping my eyes open and my nose raised for any sign of a prize with which to return. Finally, huzzah! I spotted it! In fact, it came to me! Rolling down the way as if coming to greet me, an M&M piece. Blue, if I remember correctly. I readied myself for the catch, but then noticed from whence it came.